Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces Revised and Updated Second Edition

Edition: 2nd
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2016-12-14
Publisher(s): Dover Publications
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One of the most widely used texts in its field, this volume introduces the differential geometry of curves and surfaces in both local and global aspects. The presentation departs from the traditional approach with its more extensive use of elementary linear algebra and its emphasis on basic geometrical facts rather than machinery or random details. Many examples and exercises enhance the clear, well-written exposition, along with hints and answers to some of the problems.
The treatment begins with a chapter on curves, followed by explorations of regular surfaces, the geometry of the Gauss map, the intrinsic geometry of surfaces, and global differential geometry. Suitable for advanced undergraduates and graduate students of mathematics, this text's prerequisites include an undergraduate course in linear algebra and some familiarity with the calculus of several variables. For this second edition, the author has corrected, revised, and updated the entire volume.

Author Biography

Manfredo P. do Carmo is a Brazilian mathematician and authority in the very active field of differential geometry. He is an emeritus researcher at Rio's National Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics and the author of Differential Forms and Applications.

Table of Contents

Some Remarks on Using this Book
1. Curves
2. Regular Surfaces
3. The Geometry of the Gauss Map
4. The Intrinsic Geometry of Surfaces
5. Global Differential Geometry
Bibliography and Comments
Hints and Answers to Some Exercises

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