The Developing Child, Student Edition
by Unknown-
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Table of Contents
Unit 1: Children and Parenting
Chapter 1: Learning About Children
Chapter 2: The Challenges of Parenting
Chapter 3: Building Strong Families
Unit 2: Pregnancy and Childbirth
Chapter 4: Prenatal Development
Chapter 5: Preparing for Birth
Chapter 6: The Babys Arrival
Unit 3: The Babys First Year
Chapter 7: Physical Development of Infants
Chapter 8: Emotional and Social Development of Infants
Chapter 9: Intellectual Development of Infants
Unit 4: The Child from One to Three
Chapter 10: Physical Development from One to Three
Chapter 11: Emotional and Social Development from One to Three
Chapter 12: Intellectual Development from One to Three
Unit 5: The Child from Four to Six
Chapter 13: Physical Development from Four to Six
Chapter 14: Emotional and Social Development from Four to Six
Chapter 15: Intellectual Development from Four to Six
Unit 6: The Child from Seven to Twelve
Chapter 16: Physical Development from Seven to Twelve
Chapter 17: Emotional and Social Development from Seven to Twelve
Chapter 18: Intellectual Development from Seven to Twelve
Unit 7: Additional Topics of Study
Chapter 19: Adolescence
Chapter 20: Childrens Health and Safety
Chapter 21: Family Challenges
Chapter 22: Child Care Options
Chapter 23: Planning Your Work Life
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