The Cowboy

Edition: Revised
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 1997-03-01
Publisher(s): Univ of Oklahoma Pr
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The American cowboy has long been a popular figure in fiction, motion pictures,and studies of the West, but over the years inaccuracies have crept in, distorting the image of the real cowboy. Philip Ashton Rollins, in The Cowboy, sets out to provide a complete, accurate handbook on the everyday life of the cowboy--trailing, herding, branding, round-up, and horsebreaking. He also discusses tools of the trade, including types of saddles, bits, riatas, boots, and spurs. Most vivid is his presentation of the cowboy's personality, code, mores, and amusements.

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations
Preface to Revised and Enlarged Edition
Preface to First Edition
The Beginnings of Ranchingp. 1
Ranchmen and Farmersp. 27
Definitions and Cowboy Waysp. 39
Cowboy Characterp. 65
What the Cowboy Worep. 103
Saddlesp. 120
Bridle, Lariat, and Quirtp. 137
Equipment and Furnishingsp. 153
Diversions and Recreationsp. 174
The Day's Workp. 191
Live Stockp. 215
Branding and the Round-Upp. 233
The Cattle Drivep. 257
Breaking Horsesp. 287
Visit to Townp. 318
Rustlingp. 330
Trailingp. 346
Later Phases of Western Migrationp. 371
Appendixp. 385
Indexp. 395
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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