Contested Democracy and the Left in the Philippines after Marcos

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2008-02-29
Publisher(s): Yale Univ Southeast Asia Studies
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When "people power" toppled the dictator Marcos, the Philippines was considered a shining example of the restoration of democracy. Since 1986, however, the Philippines has endured continuing political and social unrest and encountered tremendous obstacles to the consolidation and deepening of democracy. Scholars have called post-Marcos Philippines an "elite democracy," a "cacique democracy," or a "patrimonial oligarchic state." In this volume, Nathan Gilbert Quimpo disputes such characterizations of democracy. He argues that the deepening of democracy in the country involves the transformation of an elite-dominated formal democracy into a participatory and egalitarian one. He focuses on emergent, democratically oriented, leftist parties and groups that seek to transform the formal democracy of the Philippines into a more substantial one and shows the difficulties they have encountered in fighting patronage politics. The complexity of the process to deepen democracy in the Philippines becomes evident from Quimpo's exploration of competing notions of democracy, contending versions of the "civil society argument," and contending perspectives in governance.

Author Biography

Nathan Gilbert Quimpo is an associate professor teaching Political Science and International Relations at the University of Tsukuba in Japan. A long-time political activist in the Philippines before turning to an academic career, Nathan took up M.A. in International Relations at the University of Amsterdam. After teaching at the Political Science and Sociology Departments of the University of the Philippines, Nathan finished his Ph.D. in Political Science and International Relations at the Australian National University. Before coming to Tsukuba, Nathan was a lecturer in international relations at the Political Science Department of the University of Amsterdam.

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