Constitutional Change in the United Kingdom

Pub. Date: 2004-06-18
Publisher(s): Taylor & Francis
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The years since New Labour came to power in 1997 have seen changes to the British institutions of political power on an unprecedented scale. The reforms have been widespread, ranging from devolution of power in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, to the reform of the House of Lords and the changing role of the Monarchy. This book is the first to examine these changes collectively and in detail, placing each in its historical context, analysing problems, solutions and what the future holds for this ambitious period of reforms. The book is comprehensive in coverage, and accessibly written. As such it should be the ideal resource for undergraduate students of British Politics seeking to make sense of this complex subject.

Table of Contents

The Legacy of History
Historical background
Issues of Identity and Territory
Nationalism and Devolution
The Irish Question
The Issue of Scotland
The Meaning of Wales
The English Question
Modernising Government
Modernising Central Government
Modernising Local Government
Other Forms of Institutional Modernisation
Redefining the Monarchy and the Crown
Reforming The House of Lords
Modernising The House of Commons
Transforming the Legal System
New Rules, Methods and Political Relationships
Changing the Rules of the Political Game
Adjusting the Methods of Democratic Decision Making
The People, Society and the State
A Reformed United Kingdom with a European Future
The European Union and Other Challenges
Cumulative Change and Dynamic Outlook
Glossary of Terms
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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