Competition and Development: The Power of Competitive Markets

by ;
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2008-06-30
Publisher(s): Stylus Pub Llc
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This book demonstrates the importance of true and fair competition to sustainable development and an effective marketplace, touching on issues of globalization, consumer welfare, cartels and monopolies, and trade liberalization. It provides an introduction to competition, and to competition law and policy in developing countries. It focuses on the practical problems faced in developing countries and the steps that have been and can be taken to overcome those problems. It is about anticompetitive practices as they occur in developing countries and the policies that governments and citizens can promote and implement to limit the impact of such practices.
The book will be of particular interest to consumer groups and NGOs, as well as to government officials, legislators, trade negotiators, and the judiciary. Educators, students, development professionals, and business groups will also find the book useful.

Author Biography

Phil Evans is Head of Consumer Policy and a Director at FIPRA, a specialist public affairs firm.

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