Atlanta Will Fall Sherman, Joe Johnston, and the Yankee Heavy Battalions

Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2001-04-01
Publisher(s): Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
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General John Bell Hood tried everything he could: Surprise attack. Flanking march. Cavalry raid into the enemy's rear lines. Simply enduring his opponent's semi-siege of the city. But nothing he tried worked. Because by the time he assumed command of Conf

Table of Contents

PART ONE Johnston's Retreat to Atlanta; or, A Smart and Scrappy Sherman Uses his Strength to Cow and Bludgeon an Outnumbered, Less Resolute Opponent
Introduction: The Sherman-Johnston Match-up in Mississippi, July 1863, as Omen of Atlanta's Fall
How Joe Johnston Earned His Reputation for Retreating
Sherman Prepares to Advance
Johnston Prepares to Fall Back
Johnston Is Turned, I
The Battle of Resaca (Johnston Is Turned, II)
To Cassville
To New Hope Church and Back to the Railroad (Johnston Is Turned, Again)
The Mountain Lines, June 5-July 2, 1864
Johnston Is Yet Again Turned, at the Chattahoochee
The Government Concludes Johnston Has Failed: Deliberations and the Decision to Replace Him, July 10-17
Notes to Part One
PART TWO Hood Struggles Against the Inevitable; or, How Even a Student of the ``Lee and Jackson School'' Could Not Prevent the Fall of Atlanta
How Hood Learned War from Lee and Jackson in Virginia
Hood's Attack Against Thomas's Army: Peachtree Creek, July 20, 1864
Hood Attempts Another Chancellorsville, July 22
Hood's Third Sortie Again Attempts a Flank Attack: Ezra Church, July 28
Hood Keeps His Army Together While Enduring Sherman's Semi-Siege
Hood Does What Joe Johnston Only Dreamed About: He Sends His Cavalry Off to Cut Sherman's Rail Lines, August 10
Hood Is Unable to Parry Sherman's ``Movement Round Atlanta by the South,'' August 25-September 1
Notes to Part Two
Conclusion 197(4)
A Note on the Major Authorities 201(4)
Index 205(10)
About the Author 215

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