The Archaeology of the M6 Toll 2000-2003

by ; ; ;
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2008-05-01
Publisher(s): David Brown Book Co
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In late 2000, during one of the wettest winters on record, Oxford Wessex Archaeology were commissioned by the construction consortium CAMBBA, on behalf of Midland Expressway Limited, to carry out the archaeological works associated with the construction of the new 44km M6 Toll motorway. The main phase of work was carried out during 2001, and by 2003 all investigations were complete, revealing 41 separate sites. Remains includied Mesolithic flint scatters, isolated Neolithic pits and hollows, Bronze Age burnt mounds and Iron Age settlement enclosures. The Romano-British period was dominated by settlement and burials concentrated around Wall (Letocetum), Ryknield Street and Watling Street, whilst the Anglo-Saxons were notable by their absence from the results. Evidence for medieval settlement and agriculture was recorded at many sites, and in particular a Knights Templar fishpond complex at Wishaw. More recent standing structures were also recorded, including the northern dam for Hatherton Reservoir, Churchbridge Railway and Accommodation bridges and sections through the Cannock Extension and Wyrley and Essington Canals, vital elements of the post-medieval industrial heritage of the region.

Table of Contents

List of Figures
List of Tables
Sites to the North-West of Wall
Cropmarks at Saredon (Site 26)
Hawkins Canal Basin and Aqueduct (Site 1)
Hatherton Reservoir (Site 2)
Gilpin's Basin and Wharf (Site 3)
Churchbridge Complex (Site 4)
Washbrook Lane, Norton Canes (Site 5)
Swan Farm, Norton Canes (Site 36)
Cannock Extension Canal (Site 6)
Watling Street, Hammerwich (Site 41)
Wyrley and Essington Canal (Site 8)
West of Crane Brook Cottage, Hammerwich (Site 34)
Sites Around Wall and Shenston
West of Crane Brook, Wall (Site 9)
Ryknield Street, Wall (Site 12)
Shenstone Linear Features (Site 13)
Shenstone Ring Ditch (Site 14)
East of Birmingham Road Nurseries
East of The Castle, Shenstone (Site 32)
Round Wood, Shenstone (Site 33)
Sites Along Collet's Brook and Langley Brook
Collet's Brook Burnt mound (Site 40)
North of Langley Mill (Site 29)
Langley Mill (Site 30)
Langley Brook (Site 39)
Sites at Wishaw
Wishaw Hall Farm (Site 19)
Wishaw (Site 20)
Sites at the South-Western End of the Route
Curdworth Top Lock (Site 21)
Hawkeswell Farm, Coleshill (Site 24)
Environmental and material culture Studies
Prehistoric discussion
Romano-British period discussion
Medieval period discussion
Post-medieval period discuss
The M6 Toll: closing remarks
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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