Archaeology of Ancient Australia

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Pub. Date: 2007-12-11
Publisher(s): Routledge
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This book is an introduction to the archaeology of Australia from prehistoric times to the eighteenth century AD. It is the only up-to-date textbook on the subject and is designed for undergraduate courses, based on the author's considerable experience of teaching at the Australian National University. Lucidly written, it shows the diversity and colourfulness of the history of humanity in the southern continent. The Archaeology of Ancient Australia demonstrates with an array of illustrations and clear descriptions of key archaeological evidence from Australia a thorough evaluation of Australian prehistory readers are shown how this human past can be reconstructed from archaeological evidence, supplemented by information from genetics, environmental sciences, anthropology, and history. The result is a challenging view about how varied human life in the ancient past has been.

Table of Contents

List of figuresp. vii
Prefacep. xiii
Note about the case studiesp. xv
Note on terminologyp. xvi
Acknowledgementsp. xvii
The veil of Antipodean pre-historyp. 1
The colonization of Australiap. 20
Early settlement across Australiap. 45
Extinction of Pleistocene faunap. 63
Who were the first Australians?p. 82
Life in Pleistocene Australiap. 102
Tasmania isolatedp. 129
Technology in the Holocenep. 145
Coastal economies in the Holocenep. 162
Inland economies in the Holocenep. 182
Arid zone economies in the Holocenep. 199
Population growth and mobilityp. 219
Social identity and interaction during the Holocenep. 245
The ethnographic challenge: change in the last millenniump. 268
Radiocarbon datingp. 286
Referencesp. 290
Indexp. 330
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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