Annual Editions: Child Growth and Development, 21/e

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Edition: 21st
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2014-10-23
Publisher(s): McGraw-Hill Education
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The Annual Editions series is designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a wide range of current articles from some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today. Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources. The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a general audience. Each Annual Editions volume has a number of features designed to make them especially valuable for classroom use: an annotated Table of Contents, a Topic Guide, an annotated listing of supporting websites, Learning Outcomes and a brief overview for each unit, and Critical Thinking questions at the end of each article. Go to the McGraw-Hill Create™ Annual Editions Article Collection at to browse the entire collection. Select individual Annual Editions articles to enhance your course, or access and select the entire Junn/Boyatzis: Annual Editions: Child Growth and Development, 21/e ExpressBook for an easy, pre-built teaching resource by clicking here. An online Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing material is available for each Annual Editions volume. Using Annual Editions in the Classroom is also an excellent instructor resource. Visit the Create Central Online Learning Center at for more details.

Table of Contents

Annual Editions: Child Growth and Development, 21/e


Correlation Guide

Topic Guide


Unit Overview

1. Genes in Context: Gene-Environment Interplay and the Origins of Individual Differences in Behavior, Frances Champagne, and Rahia Mashoodh, Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2009.
The old-fashioned nature–nurture debate is giving way to more sophisticated approaches, such as epigenetics, to unravel how genes and experience interact to shape development. Environment can determine which genes can “turn on” or stay silent.
2. Infant Intelligentsia: Can Babies Learn to Read? And Should They?, Janet Hopson, Pacific Standard, 2012.
Focusing on the importance of literacy, this article asks when children can and should begin reading. Specialists challenge the notion that babies can learn reading skills. Additionally, there is a strong emphasis on the power that the spoken word can have the ability to acquire reading skills.
3. The Other-Race Effect Develops during Infancy: Evidence of Perceptual Narrowing, David Kelly et al., Psychological Science, 2007.
Additional support for environmental influences on face processing is presented in this article. Infants learn to discriminate faces in their own race from other races by 9 months of age, a form of “perceptual narrowing” that may facilitate the development of the other-race effect seen in adults.
4. New Advances in Understanding Sensitive Periods in Brain Development, Michael S.C. Thomas, and Mark H. Johnson, Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2008.
The human brain is marked by plasticity early in life but also is susceptible to the power of experiences at different ages. Sensitive periods occur when the brain seems optimally prepared to learn certain skills and knowledge, such as imprinting and attachment and even second languages.
5. Contributions of Neuroscience to Our Understanding of Cognitive Development, Adele Diamond, and Dima Amso, Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2008.
Neuroscience has shown that biology is not destiny—that experience affects the growing brain. Authors Diamond and Amso describe recent neuroscience research in several areas, including infant imitation and mirror neurons, neurotransmitters, maternal touch and infant stress, and the intergenerational transmission of biological and behavioral characteristics.
6. The Conscious Infant, Christof Koch, Scientific American Mind, 2013.
This exploratory study set out to discover whether infants are consciously aware. By using EEG recordings to measure brain responsiveness to briefly exposed photographs, researchers determined that the one-year-old children showed brain signatures similar to those associated conscious perception in adults.
7. Do Babies Learn from Baby Media?, Judy S. DeLoache et al., Psychological Science, 2010.
Parents are gobbling up educational videos assuming that they will help their babies learn. However, this hope seems misplaced, as this article shows that toddlers’ vocabulary did not improve due to baby videos, though it did thanks to old-fashioned mother-child interaction.
8. The Power of Talking to Your Baby, Tina Rosenberg, The New York Times, 2013.
Young children’s language development is shaped in part by how often and how richly their parents speak to them. This article describes some community interventions, based on empirical research, to help parents of lower socioeconomic status speak with their children in ways that can optimize their language growth. Preliminary evidence is promising.
9. 9 Ways to Support Your Child’s Creativity, Margarita Tartakovsky, Psych Central, 2012.
The author of this hands-on article gives easy tips to parents on how they can support and nurture their children's creativity.
10. Recess-It's Indispensable!, Unknown, Young Children, 2009.
Recess used to be a staple of school, as much a part of a normal day as reading, writing, and lunch. But recess is now under attack, as school districts are cutting recess for more instructional time. This article criticizes this recent change and argues that children have a “right” to recess and that it promotes physical, cognitive, and social development.
11. Social Awareness + Emotional Skills = Successful Kids, Tori DeAngelis, Monitor on Psychology, 2010.
Although schools have emphasized academic intelligence, evidence is mounting to show that emotional intelligence matters, too. This article reviews research confirming that children who complete a social and emotional learning program score significantly higher on achievement tests and appear healthier on depression and anxiety scales.
12. Kindergartners Explore Spirituality, Ben Mardell, and Mona M. Zena, Young Children, 2010.
Beginning at very young ages, children ask philosophical and spiritual questions. This article describes a creative kindergarten project—the Beliefs Project—that emphasized children’s dramatic play, writing, and art to explore spirituality. Through it all they learned about themselves, about others, and about differences, and even their teachers and parents grew in the process.
13. Raising a Moral Child, Adam Grant, The New York Times, 2014.
In the heat of the nature-nurture debate, studies have shown that the way parents raise their children provides evidence for the kind of person each child can turn out to be. In the study, modeling behavior, rather than preaching behavior, led to children acting in more generous ways. This article argues that it is a combination of modeling behavior and explanation of behavior that shapes a child’s character.
14. Why Can Some Kids Handle Pressure While Others Fall Apart?, Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman, The New York Times, 2013.
Some children are “Warriors” and others “Worriers.” This article describes biological influences, from genes to neurotransmitters to brain function, that help explain why some children thrive but others wilt under extreme challenge. For some youth stress can have advantageous effects, especially if the youth can view stress as being good for them.
15. Don't!: The Secret of Self-Control, Jonah Lehrer, The New Yorker, 2009.
Learning how to control one’s emotions, desires, and actions is a crucial task of early childhood. The article describes fascinating research that tests when such skills develop, how they are related to children’s behavior and brain maturity, and how self-control matters for long-term development.
16. The Moral Life of Babies, Paul Bloom, The New York Times Magazine, 2010.
Can babies be moral? Despite theorists’ claims of infants’ immaturity, many fascinating new studies reveal that babies seem to possess a rudimentary moral sense, a naïve morality. Bloom’s article describes numerous experiments that use ingenious methods to measure infants’ understanding of good and bad in the first year of life.
17. Same Place, Different Experiences: Bringing Individual Differences to Research in Child Care, Deborah A. Phillips, Nathan A. Fox, and Megan R. Gunnar, Child Development Perspectives, 2011.
Research on children’s development has often overlooked the role of individual differences among children. The authors describe how children’s temperament and reactivity to stress are key aspects of early personality that influence how children are affected by early environments.
18. The Role of Neurobiological Deficits in Childhood Antisocial Behavior, Stephanie H.M. Van Goozen, Graeme Fairchild, and Gordon T. Harold, Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2008.
Some children early in childhood engage in antisocial behavior. There are biological and social influences on these problem behaviors. This article describes the interplay between children’s adverse early environments and certain neurobiological deficits that lead to antisocial behavior later in childhood.
19. Is Your Child Gay?, Jesse Bering, Scientific American Mind, 2012.
Is it possible to know what children will grow up to be gay adults? The author discusses several studies that suggest what he calls prehomosexual children do often show gender nonconforming behavior as children.
20. To Help a Shy Child, Listen, Perri Klass, The New York Times, 2013.
Some children, perhaps many, are shy, quiet, reticent. This personality is a natural and normal one among many temperaments, but it can pose problems for such children in a culture that seems to value being confident and outspoken. To help shy children, parents can use tactics borrowed from cognitive behavioral therapy as well as role play and rehearsal of positive interactions.
21. Certain Television Fare Can Help Ease Aggression in Young Children, Study Finds, Catherine Saint Louis, The New York Times, 2013.
The long debate over children’s consumption of TV shows has focused on violence. This article explores the broader impact of children’s “media diet”—antisocial and prosocial programming—on children’s behavior. Parents have a key role in helping children draw the right lessons from what they see.
22. Why Fathers Really Matter, Judith Shulevitz, The New York Times, 2012.
We often think of mothers are being crucial in children’s development, but this article describes biological and genetic research showing how fathers have powerful genetic influences on their children’s development. Fathers’ reproductive vitality are affected by factors like stress and age that cause epigenetic changes in the fathers’ genes, which can contribute to problems in children like autism and stress.
23. Parent Training Can Improve Kids' Behavior, Ingrid Wickelgren, Scientific American, 2014.
Sometimes parents and children have communication styles and interaction patterns that are unhealthy, causing stress in the family and individuals involved. Therapeutic interventions can help parents find more optimal ways of communicating with their children for healthier family and individual functioning.
24. Evidence of Infants' Internal Working Model of Attachment, Susan C. Johnson, Carol S. Dweck, and Frances S. Chen, Psychological Science, 2007.
Internal working models of attachment underlie the instinctual behaviors children display in their attachment relationships. The authors use an ingenious visual habituation technique to measure infants’ internal working models of attachment, showing that infants’ personal attachment experiences are reflected in their abstract mental representations of social interactions.
25. Parental Divorce and Children's Adjustment, Jennifer E. Lansford, Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2009.
This article reviews the research evidence on how divorce affects children’s short and long-term development in areas such as academics, social relationships, and internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Other potential mitigating factors are considered, such as family income, child well-being prior to divorce, and the timing of divorce.
26. The Role of Parental Control in Children's Development in Western and East Asian Countries, Eva M. Pomerantz, and Qian Wang, Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2009.
Parental control over children is a crucial dimension of parenting and discipline, yet too much control can have negative effects on children. This article examines how parental control is situated in different cultures and may affect children differently in the United States and East Asian countries.
27. The Case Against Spanking: Physical discipline is slowly declining as some studies reveal lasting harms for children, Brendan L. Smith, Monitor on Psychology, 2012.
Disciplining children is one of the most challenging dimensions of parenting, and many parents use spanking. The author reviews recent research on the spanking debate, with evidence pointing to risks associated with spanking, though the effects of spanking are often hard to determine.
28. Sibling Experiences in Diverse Family Contexts, Shirley McGuire, and Lilly Shanahan, Child Development Perspectives, 2010.
Siblings are a key influence in children’s lives, but this article argues that we need better understanding of the embedded layers of social context. Siblings live in a family, which has an ethnicity and culture, and these factors influence the sibling relationship. The authors review research on European-, African-, and Mexican-American families, as well as adoptive and lesbian and gay families, to illuminate these complex dynamics between culture, family, and siblings.
29. Daddy Track: The Case for Paternity Leave, Liza Mundy, The Atlantic, 2013.
Many countries offer maternity leave for mothers to stay home with a new baby. This article describes recent policies to help fathers stay home with the new baby. “Daddy time” brings many positives for the family, with mothers enjoying psychological, workplace, and economic benefits.
30. Why Parents Need to Let Their Children Fail, Jessica Lahey, The Atlantic, 2013.
Learning when to step in to help versus when to back off is a decision parents and teachers have to make many times a day. Although good intentioned, too much parental involvement can impair a child's independence, decision-making, and ability to learn from mistakes and bounce back from failure.
31. The Touch-Screen Generation, Hanna Rosin, The Atlantic, 2013.
As interactive media have pervaded even young children’s lives, parents have become wary of how rapidly changing technology affects their children. The author describes how parents—including those who design new games for children—navigate these challenges, with little consensus from research on whether playing with touch screens enhance or impeded their children’s growth.
32. ADHD among Preschoolers, Brendan L. Smith, Monitor on Psychology, 2011.
There is debate about how common ADHD is among preschoolers as well as controversy over prescribing medications for young children that were designed for adults. Behavioral therapies could involve parents and schools.
33. 1 in 68 Children Now Has a Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Why? , Enrico Gnaulati, The Atlantic, 2014.
Within this seemingly high ratio of ASD diagnoses, there is speculation that perhaps something is being missed. Age of diagnosis persists as a delicate subject because complications arise when professionals attempt to differentiate between the behaviors of a would-be-mildly-autistic child and a slow-to-mature child, showing that the issue is not as black-and-white as it may seem.
34. Caring for Chronically Ill Kids, Elizabeth Leis-Newman, Monitor on Psychology, 2011.
Many families with a chronically ill child are challenged with managing their child’s proper medical care. Many families fail to adhere to the necessary drug treatment, sometimes because of poor communication between physicians and parents. Some parents struggle emotionally to cope with their child’s illness, and when the ill child is a teenager, desire for autonomy and freedom can disrupt regular adherence to medication.
35. The Human Child’s Nature Orientation, Patrick C. Lee, Child Development Perspectives, 2012.
This intriguing paper argues that children have a basic and developmentally important orientation to nature and animals. This view is consistent with many sociocultural theories of development. Relevant research has explored child-pet relationships and children’s attitudes toward nature.
36. The Problem with Rich Kids, Suniya Luthar, Psychology Today, 2013.
When we think of children whose development is at risk due to money, we naturally think of poor children. But recent research indicates that affluent children are at heightened risk for many forms of maladjustment. Pressure for the wealthy and fortunate may create a pressure cooker of expectations from parent, peers, and culture for stellar achievement. The problems due to this pressure seem to emerge around middle school and in girls more than boys.

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