Americans and the California Dream, 1850-1915

Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 1973-05-10
Publisher(s): Oxford University Press
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Written by a native San Franciscan who combines a moving and expressive style with the objective eye of the scholar, Professor Starr's chronicle will appeal to all those who relish American history set forth in vivid detail and enriched with insight.

Table of Contents

Prefacep. vii
Acknowledgmentsp. ix
Prophetic Patterns 1786-1850p. 3
Beyond Eldoradop. 49
City on a Hillp. 69
A Rapid, Monstrous Maturityp. 110
Because I Am a Californian"""": The Loyalties of Josiah Royce""""p. 142
Sport, Mountaineering, and Life on the Landp. 172
The Sonoma Finale of Jack London, Rancherp. 210
Bohemian Shoresp. 239
The City Beautiful and the San Francisco Fairp. 288
Life Among the Best and Truestp. 307
Gertrude Atherton, Daughter of the Elitep. 345
An American Mediterraneanp. 365
Americans and the California Dreamp. 415
Notesp. 445
Further Sourcesp. 460
Indexp. 480
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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