America Vol. 2 : A Narrative History (Brief 9th Edition)

by ;
Edition: 9th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2012-11-13
Publisher(s): W. W. Norton & Company
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America has sold more than 1.8 million copies over the past eight editions because it's a book that students enjoy reading. Effective storytelling, colorful anecdotes, and biographical sketches make the narrative absorbing and the material more memorable. The Brief Ninth Edition is 20% shorter, and includes refreshed and updated coverage of African American history, and has been streamlined from 37 to 34 chapters.

Table of Contents

List of Mapsp. xiii
Prefacep. xv
Acknowledgmentsp. xix
Reconstruction: North and Southp. 538
The War's Aftermathp. 539
The Battle Over Political Reconstructionp. 543
Reconstructing the Southp. 549
The Reconstructed Southp. 553
The Grant Yearsp. 560
Growing Pains
Big Business and Organized Laborp. 577
The Rise of Big Businessp. 577
Entrepreneursp. 584
The Working Classp. 589
The South and the West Transformedp. 606
The Myth of the New Southp. 607
The New Westp. 612
The Emergence of Urban Americap. 628
America's Move to Townp. 629
The New Immigrationp. 634
Popular Culturep. 639
Education and Social Thoughtp. 646
Gilded Age Politics and Agrarian Revoltp. 652
Paradoxical Politicsp. 653
Corruption and Reform: Hayes to Harrisonp. 656
The Farm Problem and Agrarian Protest Movementsp. 665
The Economy and the Silver Solutionp. 670
Race Relations During
The 1890sp. 676
Modern America
Seizing an American Empirep. 693
Toward the New Imperialismp. 694
Expansion in the Pacificp. 695
The War of 1898p. 698
Imperial Rivalries in East Asiap. 708
Big-Stick Diplomacyp. 709
"Making the World Over": The Progressive Erap. 718
Elements of Reformp. 719
The Social Gospelp. 721
Early Efforts at Urban Reformp. 722
Features of Progressivep. 725
Roosevelt's Progressivismp. 731
Roosevelt's Second Termp. 733
From Roosevelt to Taftp. 737
Woodrow Wilson's Progressivismp. 741
Limits of Progressivismp. 753
America and the Great Warp. 756
Wilson and Foreign Affairsp. 756
An Uneasy Neutralityp. 759
America's Entry into the Warp. 767
America at Warp. 772
The Fight for the Peacep. 777
Lurching From War to Peacep. 784
The Modern Temperp. 790
The Reactionary Twentiesp. 792
The "Jazz Age" During the "Roaring Twenties"p. 800
Mass Culturep. 810
The Modernist Revoltp. 815
Republican Resurgence and Declinep. 822
"Normalcy"p. 823
Isolationism in Foreign Affairsp. 827
The Harding Scandalsp. 831
The New Erap. 835
President Hoover, the Engineerp. 839
Global Concernsp. 850
From Hooverism to the New Dealp. 851
New Deal Americap. 858
Regulatory Effortsp. 862
The Social Cost of the Depressionp. 864
The New Deal Maturesp. 870
Roosevelt's Second Termp. 878
The Legacy of the New Dealp. 883
The Second World Warp. 888
From Isolationism to Interventionp. 888
Foreign Crisesp. 889
War Cloudsp. 895
The Storm in Europep. 896
The Storm in the Pacificp. 901
A World Warp. 905
Mobilization at Homep. 907
Social Effects of the Warp. 910
The Allied Drive Toward Berlinp. 916
Leapfrogging to Tokyop. 924
A New Age is Bornp. 925
The Final Ledgerp. 936
The American Age
The Fair Deal and Containmentp. 945
Demobilization Under Trumanp. 946
The Cold Warp. 949
Civil Rights During the 1940sp. 957
The Cold War Heats Upp. 963
The 1950s: Affluence and Anxiety in An Atomic Agep. 974
A People of Plentyp. 975
A Conformist Culturep. 982
Cracks in the Picture Windowp. 984
Alienation and Liberationp. 984
Moderate Republicanism-The Eisenhower Yearsp. 987
The Early Years of the Civil Rights Movementp. 992
Foreign Policy in the 1950sp. 998
Foreign Interventionsp. 1001
Reflection and Foreign Crisesp. 1005
Festering Problems Abroadp. 1009
Assessing the Eisenhower Presidencyp. 1010
New Frontiers: Politics and Social Change in the 1960sp. 1014
The New Frontierp. 1014
Expansion of the Civil Rights Movementp. 1019
Foreign Frontiersp. 1025
Lyndon B. Johnson and the Great Societyp. 1028
From Civil Rights to Black Powerp. 1036
The Tragedy of Vietnamp. 1040
Sixties Crescendop. 1046
Rebellion and Reaction: The 1960s and 1970sp. 1052
The Roots of Rebellionp. 1053
Nixon and Middle Americap. 1064
Nixon and Vietnamp. 1070
Nixon Triumphantp. 1072
Watergatep. 1078
An Unelected Presidentp. 1083
A Conservative Realignment: 1977-1990p. 1090
The Carter Presidencyp. 1091
The Reagan Revolutionp. 1098
Reagan's First Termp. 1103
Reagan's Second Termp. 1108
The Changing Social Landscapep. 1111
The Bush Administrationp. 1118
Cultural Conservatismp. 1125
America in a New Millenniump. 1128
America's Changing Mosaicp. 1129
Bush to Clintonp. 1130
Domestic Policy in Clinton's First Termp. 1133
Republican Insurgencyp. 1135
The Clinton Years at Homep. 1138
Foreign-Policy Challengesp. 1142
The Election of 2000p. 1144
Compassionate Conservatismp. 1146
Global Terrorismp. 1147
Second-Term Bluesp. 1155
A Historic Electionp. 1158
Obama's First Termp. 1160
Glossaryp. A1
Appendixp. A59
The Declaration of Independencep. A61
Articles of Confederationp. A66
The Constitution of the United Statesp. A74
Amendments to the Constitutionp. A86
Presidential Electionsp. A96
Admission of Statesp. A104
Population of the United Statesp. A105
Immigration to the United States, Fiscal Years 1820-2011p. A106
Immigration by Region and Selected Country of Last Residence, Fiscal Years 1820-2011p. A108
Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Secretaries of Statep. A117
Further Readingsp. A123
Creditsp. A137
Indexp. A141
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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