America: A Narrative History (Single Volume Edition)

by ;
Edition: 7th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2007-03-01
Publisher(s): W W Norton & Co Inc
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Used by over one million students, America: A Narrative History is one of the most successful American history textbooks ever published. The Brief Seventh Edition offers the attractive features of the full-length text-lively and accessible narrative style, a keen balance of political with social and cultural history, a full-color layout, and exceptional value-in a more concise format. The Brief Seventh Edition also introduces the carefully integrated new theme of environmental history, adding illuminating perspectives on how Americans have shaped-and been shaped by-the natural world.

Table of Contents

List of Mapsp. xv
Prefacep. xix
A New World
The Collision of Culturesp. 9
Pre-Columbian Indian Civilizatioksp. 9
First Contactsp. 10
Exploration and Conquest of the New Worldp. 15
Further Readingp. 25
Britain and Its Coloniesp. 27
Settling the Chesapeakep. 28
Settling New Englandp. 32
Indians in New Englandp. 39
Renewed Settlementp. 41
Settling the Middle Colonies and Georgiap. 44
Thriving Coloniesp. 49
Further Readingp. 53
Colonial Ways of Lifep. 55
The Shape of Early Americap. 55
Society and Economy in the Southern Coloniesp. 60
Society and Economy in New Englandp. 65
Society and Economy in the Middle Coloniesp. 72
Colonial Citiesp. 74
The Enlightenmentp. 77
The Great Awakeningp. 79
Further Readingp. 83
The Imperial Perspectivep. 85
English Administration of the Coloniesp. 86
The Habit of Self-Governmentp. 90
Troubled Neighborsp. 92
The Colonial Warsp. 97
Further Readingp. 105
From Empire to Independencep. 107
The Heritage of Warp. 108
Western Landsp. 109
Grenville's Colonial Policyp. 110
Fanning the Flamesp. 114
Discontent on the Frontierp. 118
A Worsening Crisisp. 119
Shifting Authorityp. 123
Independencep. 129
Further Readingp. 131
Building a Nation
The American Revolutionp. 141
1776: Washington's Narrow Escapep. 142
American Society at Warp. 144
1777: Setbacks for the Britishp. 148
1778: Both Sides Regroupp. 151
The War in the Southp. 154
Negotiationsp. 158
The Political Revolutionp. 159
The Social Revolutionp. 162
The Emergence of an American Culturep. 167
Further Readingp. 168
Shaping A Federal Unionp. 170
The Confederationp. 171
Adopting the Constitutionp. 178
"A More Perfect Union"p. 187
Further Readingp. 188
The Federalist Erap. 190
A New Nationp. 190
Hamilton's Visionp. 194
The Republican Alternativep. 200
Crises Foreign and Domesticp. 201
Settlement of New Landp. 207
Transfer of Powerp. 209
The Adams Yearsp. 211
Further Readingp. 218
The Early Republicp. 220
Jeffersonian Simplicityp. 222
Jefferson in Officep. 223
Divisions in the Republican Partyp. 230
War in Europep. 231
The War of 1812p. 234
Further Readingp. 244
An Expansive Nation
Nationalism and Sectionalismp. 253
Economic Nationalismp. 254
"Good Feelings"p. 257
Crises and Compromisesp. 261
Judicial Nationalismp. 264
Nationalist Diplomacyp. 266
One-Party Politicsp. 267
Further Readingp. 274
The Jacksonian Impulsep. 275
A New Political Culturep. 276
Jackson Takes Officep. 279
Nullificationp. 281
Racial Prejudice in the Jacksonian Erap. 286
The Bank Controversyp. 290
Van Buren and the New Party Systemp. 294
Assessing the Jackson Yearsp. 299
Further Readingp. 300
The Dynamics of Growthp. 302
Agriculture and the National Economyp. 303
Transportation, Communication, and the National Economyp. 306
The Industrial Revolutionp. 313
The Popular Culturep. 320
Immigrationp. 322
Laborp. 328
Jacksonian Inequalityp. 332
Further Readingp. 334
An American Renaissance: Religion, Romanticism, and Reformp. 335
Rational Religionp. 335
The Second Great Awakeningp. 337
Romanticism in Americap. 341
The Flowering of American Literaturep. 344
Educationp. 346
Antebellum Reformp. 348
Further Readingp. 355
Manifest Destinyp. 357
The Tyler Yearsp. 358
The Western Frontierp. 359
Moving Westp. 366
Annexing Texasp. 370
Polk's Presidencyp. 374
The Mexican Warp. 376
Further Readingp. 383
A House Divided and Rebuilt
The Old Southp. 393
The Distinctive Features of the Old Southp. 394
White Society in the Southp. 396
Black Society in the Southp. 400
The Culture of the Southern Frontierp. 406
Anti-Slavery Movementsp. 408
Further Readingp. 414
The Crisis of Unionp. 416
Slavery in the Territoriesp. 416
The Compromise of 1850p. 421
Foreign Adventuresp. 426
The Kansas-Nebraska Crisisp. 427
The Deepening Sectional Crisisp. 433
The Center Comes Apartp. 440
Further Readingp. 446
The War of the Unionp. 447
End of the Waiting Gamep. 448
The War's Early Phasep. 452
Emancipationp. 464
Women and the Warp. 466
Government During the Warp. 467
The Faltering Confederacyp. 472
The Confederacy's Defeatp. 447
A Modern Warp. 484
Further Readingp. 486
Reconstruction: North and Southp. 488
The War's Aftermathp. 488
The Battle Over Reconstructionp. 493
Reconstructing the Southp. 500
The Reconstructed Southp. 504
The Grant Yearsp. 509
Further Readingp. 520
Growing Pains
The South and The West Transformedp. 527
The New Southp. 528
The New Westp. 540
Further Readingp. 556
Big Business and Organized Laborp. 558
The Rise of Big Businessp. 558
Entrepreneursp. 566
Labor Conditions and Organizationp. 572
A Nation Transformedp. 582
Further Readingp. 583
The Emergence of Urban Americap. 585
America's Move to Townp. 586
The New Immigrationp. 592
Popular Culturep. 596
Education and the Professionsp. 603
Realism in Thought, Culture, and Literaturep. 604
Realism in Fiction and Nonfictionp. 607
The Social Gospelp. 609
Early Efforts at Urban Reformp. 611
Further Readingp. 614
Gilded Age Politics and Agrarian Revoltp. 616
Paradoxical Politicsp. 616
Corruption and Reformp. 619
Agrarian Protest Movementsp. 629
The Economy and the Silver Solutionp. 635
A New Erap. 640
Further Readingp. 641
Modern America
An American Empirep. 651
Toward the New Imperialismp. 652
Expansion in the Pacificp. 654
The Spanish-American Warp. 656
Imperial Rivalries in East Asiap. 664
Big-Stick Diplomacyp. 666
Further Readingp. 673
The Progressive Erap. 674
Elements of Reformp. 675
Features of Progressivismp. 677
Roosevelt's Progressivismp. 680
Roosevelt's Second Termp. 684
From Roosevelt to Taftp. 688
Woodrow Wilson's Progressivismp. 692
Limits of Progressivismp. 700
Further Readingp. 701
America and the Great Warp. 703
Wilson and Foreign Affairsp. 704
An Uneasy Neutralityp. 707
America's Entry into the Warp. 714
"The Decisive Power"p. 719
The Fight for Peacep. 723
Lurching from War to Peacep. 729
Further Readingp. 732
The Modern Temperp. 734
Reaction in the Twentiesp. 735
The Roaring Twentiesp. 740
The Culture of Modernismp. 746
Further Readingp. 751
Republican Resurgence and Declinep. 752
"Normalcy"p. 753
The New Erap. 760
President Hoover, Engineerp. 766
Further Readingp. 776
New Deal Americap. 777
From Hooverism to the New Dealp. 778
Recovery Through Regulationp. 785
The Social Cost of the Depressionp. 789
Culture in the Thirtiesp. 793
The Second New Dealp. 796
Roosevelt's Second Termp. 802
The Legacy of the New Dealp. 807
Further Readingp. 809
From Isolation to Global Warp. 810
Postwar Isolationismp. 810
War Cloudsp. 814
The Storm in Europep. 821
The Storm in the Pacificp. 825
Further Readingp. 830
The Second World Warp. 831
America's Early Battlesp. 832
Mobilization at Homep. 833
Social Effects of the Warp. 836
The Allied Drive Toward Berlinp. 840
Leapfrogging to Tokyop. 848
A New Age is Bornp. 852
The Final Ledgerp. 860
Further Readingp. 861
The American Age
The Fair Deal and Containmentp. 871
Demobilization Under Trumanp. 872
The Cold Warp. 876
Civil Rights During the 1940sp. 881
The Cold War Heats Upp. 887
Further Readingp. 896
Through the Picture Window: Society and Culture, 1945-1960p. 898
People of Plentyp. 899
A Conforming Culturep. 905
Cracks in the Picture Windowp. 908
A Paradoxical Erap. 914
Further Readingp. 915
Conflict and Deadlock: The Eisenhower Yearsp. 917
"Time for a Change"p. 918
Eisenhower's "Hidden-Hand" Presidencyp. 920
Foreign Interventionp. 923
Reelection and Foreign Crisesp. 927
Festering Problems Abroadp. 931
The Early Years of the Civil Rights Movementp. 934
Assessing the Eisenhower Yearsp. 938
Further Readingp. 940
New Frontiers: Politics and Social Change in the 1960sp. 941
The New Frontierp. 942
Expansion of the Civil Rights Movementp. 946
Foreign Frontiersp. 949
Lyndon Johnson and the Great Societyp. 952
From Civil Rights to Black Powerp. 957
The Tragedy of Vietnamp. 960
Sixties Crescendop. 965
Further Readingp. 969
Rebellion and Reaction in the 1960s and 1970sp. 971
The Roots of Rebellionp. 972
Nixon and Vietnamp. 982
Nixon and Middle Americap. 986
Nixon Triumphantp. 990
Watergatep. 993
An Unelected Presidentp. 996
The Carter Interregnump. 997
Further Readingp. 1001
A Conservative Insurgencyp. 1003
The Reagan Revolutionp. 1004
Reagan's First Termp. 1007
Reagan's Second Termp. 1011
The Bush Administrationp. 1017
Further Readingp. 1024
Triumph and Tragedy: America at the Turn of the Centuryp. 1025
America's Changing Mosaicp. 1026
Cultural Conservatismp. 1029
Bush to Clintonp. 1030
Domestic Policy in Clinton's First Termp. 1034
Republican Insurgencyp. 1036
Economic and Social Trends of the 1990sp. 1039
Foreign-Policy Challengesp. 1042
The Election of 2000p. 1045
Compassionate Conservatismp. 1047
Global Terrorismp. 1049
Second-Term Bluesp. 1060
Further Readingp. 1064
Glossaryp. A1
Appendixp. A43
The Declaration of Independencep. A45
Articles of Confederationp. A50
The Constitution of the United Statesp. A58
Presidential Electionsp. A80
Admission of Statesp. A88
Population of the United Statesp. A89
Immigration to the United States, Fiscal Years 1820-2005p. A90
Immigration by Region and Selected Country of last Residence, Fiscal Years 1820-2004p. A92
Presidents, Vice-Presidents, and Secretaries of statep. A99
Creditsp. A104
Indexp. A109
United States Mapp. A172
World Mapp. A174
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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