Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders : An Interim Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2001-04-01
Publisher(s): Lightning Source Inc
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Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders was originally published on November 20, 1975.

Table of Contents

Prologuep. XIII
Introduction and Summaryp. 1
Committee's Mandatep. 1
Committee Decision To Make Report Publicp. 2
Scope of Committee's Investigationp. 2
Summary of Findings and Conclusionsp. 4
The Questions Presentedp. 4
Summary of Findings and Conclusions on the Plotsp. 4
Summary of Findings and Conclusions on The Issues of Authority and Controlp. 6
Covert Action as a Vehicle for Foreign Policy Implementationp. 9
Policy Development and Approval Mechanismp. 9
The Concept of "Plausible Denial"p. 11
Assassination Planning and Plotsp. 13
Congop. 13
Introductionp. 13
Dulles Cable to Leopoldville: August 26, 1960p. 14
CIA Encouragement of Congolese Efforts to "Eliminate" Lumumbap. 16
The Plot to Assassinate Lumumbap. 19
The Question of a Connection Between the Assassination Plot and Other Actions of CIA Officers and Their Agents in the Congop. 37
The Question of Whether the CIA Was Involved in Bringing About Lumumba's Death in Katanga Provincep. 48
The Question of the Level at Which the Assassination Plot Was Authorizedp. 51
Cubap. 71
The Assassination Plotsp. 71
At What Level Were the Castro Plots Known About or Authorized Within the Central Intelligence Agency?p. 91
At What Level Were the Castro Plots Known About or Authorized Outside of the Central Intelligence Agency?p. 108
Institutionalizing Assassination: The "Executive Action" Capabilityp. 181
Introductionp. 181
The Question of White House Initiation, Authorization, or Knowledge of the Executive Action Projectp. 182
The Question of Authorization or Knowledge of the Executive Action Project by the DCIp. 187
The Question of Whether Project ZR/RIFLE Was Connected to Any Actual Assassination Plotsp. 187
Trujillop. 191
Summaryp. 191
Backgroundp. 191
Initial Contact With Dissidents and Request for Armsp. 192
Summer and Fall of 1960p. 194
January 12, 1961 Special Group Approval of "Limited Supplies of Small Arms and Other Material"p. 196
January 20, 1961-April 17, 1961 (the Kennedy Administration through the Bay of Pigs)p. 197
April 17, 1961-May 31, 1961 (Bay of Pigs Through Trujillo Assassination)p. 205
May 30, 1961 and Immediately Thereafterp. 213
Diemp. 217
Summaryp. 217
The Abortive Coup of August 1963p. 217
The November 1963 Coupp. 220
Schneiderp. 225
Summaryp. 225
The President's Initial Instruction and Backgroundp. 227
CIA's Implementation of Track IIp. 233
CIA Efforts to Promote a Coupp. 239
CIA/White House Communication During Track IIp. 246
Findings and Conclusionsp. 255
Findings Concerning the Plots Themselvesp. 255
Officials of the United States Government Initiated Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro and Patrice Lumumbap. 255
No Foreign Leaders Were Killed as a Result of Assassination Plots Initiated by Officials of the United Statesp. 256
American Officials Encouraged or Were Privy to Coup Plots Which Resulted in the Deaths of Trujillo, Diem, and Schneiderp. 256
The Plots Occurred in a Cold War Atmosphere Perceived to be of Crisis Proportionsp. 256
American Officials Had Exaggerated Notions About Their Ability to Control the Actions of Coup Leadersp. 256
CIA Officials Made Use of Known Underworld Figures in Assassination Effortsp. 257
Conclusions Concerning the Plots Themselvesp. 257
The United States Should Not Engage in Assassinationp. 257
The United States Should Not Make Use of Underworld Figures for Their Criminal Talentsp. 259
Findings and Conclusions Relating to Authorization and Controlp. 260
The Apparent Lack of Accountability in the Command and Control System Was Such That the Assassination Plots Could Have Been Undertaken Without Express Authorizationp. 261
Findings Relating to the Level at Which the Plots Were Authorizedp. 261
CIA Officials Involved in the Assassination Operations Perceived Assassination to Have Been a Permissible Course of Actionp. 264
The Failure in Communication Between Agency Officials in Charge of the Assassination Operations and their Superiors in the Agency and in the Administration was Due to: (a) The Failure of Subordinates to Disclose Their Plans and Operations to Their Superiors; and (b) The Failure of Superiors in the Climate of Violence and Aggressive Covert Actions Sanctioned by the Administrations to Rule Out Assassination as a Tool of Foreign Policy; To Make Clear to Their Subordinates That Assassination Was Impermissible; Or To Inquire Further After Receiving Indications That It Was Being Consideredp. 267
Practices Current at the Time in Which the Assassination Plots Occurred Were Revealed by the Record To Create the Risk of Confusion, Rashness and Irresponsibility in the Very Areas Where Clarity and Sober Judgment Were Most Necessaryp. 277
Recommendationsp. 281
General Agreement That the United States Must Not Engage in Assassinationp. 281
CIA Directives Banning Assassinationp. 282
The Need for a Statutep. 282
Epiloguep. 285
Statement of Joinderp. 286
Appendix Ap. 289
Appendix Bp. 291
Separate Views of Senator Philip A. Hartp. 297
Additional Views of Senator Robert Morganp. 299
Additional Views of Senator Howard H. Baker, Jrp. 303
Additional Views of Senator Barry Goldwaterp. 341
Supplemental Views of Senator Charles McC. Mathias, Jrp. 345
Abbreviations of Citationsp. 347
Table of Contents provided by Syndetics. All Rights Reserved.

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