After the New Testament A Reader in Early Christianity

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 1998-10-22
Publisher(s): Oxford University Press
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The remarkable diversity of Christianity during the formative years of thefirst three centuries has become a plain, even natural, "fact" for most ancienthistorians. But until now there has been no source book of primary texts thatreveals the varieties of Christian beliefs, practices, ethics, experiences,confrontations, and self-understandings. To help readers recognize andexperience the rich diversity of the early Christian movement, After the NewTestament provides a wide range of texts, both orthodox and heterodox, includingsuch works as the Apostolic Fathers, (e.g., 1 Clement), the writings of NagHammadi (e.g., the Apocryhon of John), early pseudepigrapha (e.g., the Gospel ofPeter), martyrologies (e.g., Perpetua), anti-Jewish tractates (e.g., fromTertullian), heresiologies (e.g., Irenaeus and the Gnostic Apocalypse of Peter),canon lists (e.g., the Muratorian Fragment), church orders (e.g., the ApostolicConstitutions), liturgical texts (the Didascalia), and theological treatises(e.g., Origen). In addition, rather than giving only fragments of texts, thiscollection provides large portions--entire documents whereverpossible--organized under social and historical rubrics.This unique reader's concise and informative introductions and clear andup-to-date English translations make it ideal for courses on the New Testament,Christian Origins, Early Church History, or Late Antiquity, as well as foranyone--student, teacher, pastor, layperson--interested in the gamut of earlyChristian literature from the period after the New Testament up to the writingsof the so-called father of church history, Eusebius.

Table of Contents

General Introduction
The Spread of Christianity: Early Christians and their Converts
The Acts of John
The Acts of Thomas
Justin: Dialogue with Trypho
The Attack on Christianity: Persecution and Martyrdom in the Early Church
The Letter of Ignatius to the Romans
The Martyrdom of Polycarp
The Letter of the Churches of Vienne and Lyons
The Acts of the Scillitan Martyrs
The Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicitas
The Defense of Early Christianity: The Early Christian Apologists
Minucius Felix:Octavius
Justin: First Apology
Athenagoras: Plea Regarding the Christians
The Letter to Diognetus
Tertullian: Apology
Origen: Against Celus
Anti-Judaic Polemic: The Opposition to Jews in Early Christianity
The Epistle of Barnabas
Justin: Dialogue with Trypho
Melito of Sardis: On the Passover
Tertullian: Answer to the Jews
The Diversity of Early Christianity: Writings Later Deemed Heretical
The Gospel According to the Ebionites
The Letter of Peter to James and Its Reception
The Homilies of Clement Gnostic-Christian Texts
The Secret Book of John
The First Thought in Three Forms
The Gospel of Truth
Ptolemy's Letter to Flora
On the Origin of the World
The isdom of Jesus Christ
The Treatise on the Resurrection
The Hymn of the Pearl
The Gospel of Philip
The Internal Conflicts of Christianity: Writings against the "Heretics" Proto-Orthodox Heresiologists
Irenaeus: Against the Heresies
Tertullian: Prescription of the Heretics
Tertullian: On the Flesh of Christ
Tertullian: Against Praxeas Gnostic Heresiologists
The Coptic Apocalypse of Peter
The Second Treatise of the Great Seth
"Apostolic" Writings Outside the Canon: New Testament Apocrypha Pseudepigrapha Apocryphal Gospels
The Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Peter
The Proto-Gospel of James
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas
The Epistle of the Apostles Apocryphal Acts
The Acts of Peter
The Acts of Paul
The Acts of Thecla
The Acts of John Apocryphal Epistles
Paul's Third Letter to the Corinthians
The Correspondence Between Paul and Seneca
Paul's Letter to the Laodiceans Apocryphal Apocalypses
The Apocalypse of Peter
The Apocalypse of Paul
The New Scriptures: Canonical Lists in Early Christianity
The Muratorian Canon
Irenaeus: Against the Heresies
Origen of Alexandria
Eusebius: Ecclesiastical History
The Structure of Early Christianity: The Development of Church Offices
First Clement
The Didache
The Letters of Ignatius to the Ephesians, Magnesians, and Smyrneans
Hippolytus: The Apostolic Tradition
The Didascalia
Cyprian: The Unity of the Catholic Church
The Development of the Liturgy: Ritual Practices in Early Christianity
The Didache
Justin: First Apology
Tertullian: Apology
Tertullian: On the Crown
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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