24 Hours of Love at the Silver Bell Wedding Chapel

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2020-02-14
Publisher(s): Bookbaby
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Many people come to Las Vegas to gamble. Others for a quick wedding. This is the history, and many stories, of the Silver Bell Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas, Nevada, during the Boom of the wedding chapel industry from the mid-Twentieth Century to the New Millennium. The chapel was an iconic fixture that graced Las Vegas Boulevard South for 45 years. Jim Duszynski, a young boy from Toledo, Ohio came to Las Vegas with a DREAM of making it BIG! For five dollars, he bought a business that one day would be synonymous with Las Vegas. It didn't happen overnight. A lot of hard work and mistakes were made to make the Silver Bell what it was. Come take a journey through the beginnings of the Las Vegas wedding industry, learn about the man behind the Silver Bell and the stories of burning love that made the iconic chapel. This story is like an exquisite delicious slice of American pie!

Author Biography

Jacki Gluck has lived in the Las Vegas area since 1978 and feels like a Las Vegas native. She graduated from UNLV with a B.A. in Psychology and was a licensed Social Worker for over 27 years. Together with her husband for over 30 years, they raised two kids in Southern Nevada and are now blessed with having a delightful grand-daughter. Her hobbies include genealogy, reading about historical events, and visiting National Parks. Jacki's grandmother, Wilma moved out to Las Vegas in the mid-1970s after her husband died and found a job at the Las Vegas Information Center which was located by McCarran Airport and Sunset Road where the old highway met the LV Strip. She then made her way into the wedding chapel industry and fell in love with it! She worked for the Candlelight Wedding Chapel and the Wee Kirk o' the Heather. When Jacki's family moved out to Las Vegas in 1978, Jacki's mother worked for the Candlelight Wedding Chapel, the Anniversary Chapel and then ended up working at the Silver Bell Wedding Chapel. Her mom fell in love with the owner, Jim Duszynski and married him in 1988. With two important people in her life, Jacki frequented wedding chapels and witnessed many of the day to day operations. When the Silver Bell Wedding chapel burned for the second time, she witnessed first-hand the toll that losing their business had on both her mother and Jim. Jacki knew that the memories and stories of the once iconic wedding chapel needed to be captured and told before all was lost. Writing this book has been a journey combining her love of family, genealogy and social work and is excited to share it with the world!

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