100 Words Every High School Graduate Should Know

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2016-09-27
Publisher(s): Houghton Miff
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The Los Angeles Times bestseller now available with a fresh new look!

100 Words Every High School Graduate Should Know focuses on words that a successful high school graduate can learn from rigorous coursework in a standard variety of subjects and on words that are among those that are often found on standardized exams. Chosen with various criteria in mind, some represent key concepts in important areas of the curriculum, while others are more familiar in meaning but present challenges of spelling or usage. 
Each word is fully defined and shown in typical contexts with example sentences and quotations, many of which are taken from prominent authors such as Willa Cather, James Joyce, Edgar Allan Poe, and Phillis Wheatley. Other entries have expansive notes that explain how the word came to enter the English language. 
Designed both for students who are in their final years of high school as well as for adults who want to test themselves to see how much they’ve retained since graduating, 100 Words Every High School Graduate Should Know is both educational and fun.

Author Biography

The Editors of the American Heritage Dictionaries are trained lexicographers with a varied array of interests and expertise.

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